Diversity in the world of work: integration and cohesion at Powerlines


The words "I judge the person. Not their background." echo through the corridors of Powerlines and give our corporate culture a unique flavour. These words are not just an empty mantra, but a lived conviction that is reflected in every facet of our daily operations.

In a recent conversation with Thomas, the dedicated head of metalworking here in Hanover/Langenhangen, I realised that our metalworking unit is more than just a department. It is a melting pot of diversity that demonstrates the importance of integration and cohesion in today's society.

Did you know that Powerlines has a metalworking unit? If not, you're not alone. But we'll get to that later, because there are so many fascinating aspects to discover in this context.

The reason for my meeting with Thomas was more profound than it might seem at first glance. At a time when social issues are characterising the integration of people into our social structure, Thomas wants to show how successfully this can be implemented in the world of work.

One inspiring example is an employee from Iran who joined us a few years ago. He initially supported our team through a temporary employment agency. However, it soon became clear that he should not just be seen as temporary help, but as an integral part of our team.

No sooner said than done. Today, this colleague is an integral part of Powerlines and actively contributes to metal processing. Thomas values him in his team and sees him as a living example of successful integration. And this is just one of many inspiring stories.

In a world characterised by a shortage of skilled workers, we have no choice but to actively think about integration and take action. At Powerlines, we have been living this approach for years. Our corporate culture reflects the fact that diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords, but core values that are embedded in every employee.

The future will show that this philosophy will continue to be practised in our company. We would like to give you more insights into how people with a migration background are actively integrated into our corporate culture.

Join us as we work together for a diverse and inclusive future!