
Carbon Neutral & Net Zero Strategy

SPL Powerlines UK share Network Rail’s commitment through route electrification works to reduce emissions even further and deliver net-zero carbon.

Our drive to achieve Carbon Net Zero by 2050 meets UN’s Strategic Development Goals to support the production and use of more sustainable energy.

We continue to work with Network Rail to deliver a “Low Emission Railway” and provide a safe, reliable, and efficient service is a key requisite to encouraging use of public transport.

Carbon Net Zero Themes

SPL Powerlines are using strategies and initiatives to reduce emissions, grounded in scientific principles and evidence, aimed at achieving carbon neutrality or net zero carbon emissions.

Carbon Reduction Process

In prioritising our emissions by scope we have identified areas for improvement, driving continuous progress towards a more sustainable future. In order to meet this transition our Sustainability Policy aligns to the Network Rails approach for a Circular Economy and the decarbonisation agenda.

Our SPL Powerlines Sustainability Tool, was developed to meet Rail Safety and Standards Board Sustainability requirements, and support a consistent reduction of our carbon emissions.

Our targets for reducing carbon emissions are based on scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Scope 1 direct emissions, Scope 2 indirect emissions and Scope 3 indirect emissions in our value chain.

Carbon Reduction Plan Download

Our Net Zero Roadmap

SPL Powerlines is embarking on a sustainable journey as we pave the way towards a net-zero future through our comprehensive roadmap.

SPL Powerlines Net Zero Roadmap Download

Numbers that matter

over 1.000
Carbon avoidance (CO2 equivalent)
over 20
Energy efficient welfare units in the UK
consecutive year 2
Planet Mark
over 500
Scottish Wildlife Trust
over 2.600 hours
Protected local project
£ 1 m
Social return on investment

Planet Mark

Planet Mark Business Certification is about furthering our commitment to reduce our impact on society.

The Planet Mark Business Certification is an internationally recognised sustainability certification for all organisations acknowledging continuous progress, encouraging action and building an empowered community of like-minded individuals. 

In order to achieve this sustainability certification, we follow a robust three-step process: Measuring our impact, engaging everyone in the business and communicating our progress. We measure our own carbon footprint and will continue to take responsibility of our carbon emissions to have a positive impact on planet and society. We are also contributing to the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as we believe that it’s important, more than ever, to do more good and create a sustainable future.   

Our entire business contributes to us achieving certification, and every individual will continue to play an important role in our sustainability commitment.  

We want to continue to have a positive impact through our business and hope that we can empower our community to take climate action. We hope that you will join us in this movement for change. 

We encourage you to get in touch if you would like further details on our journey.  

How we manage Carbon on Projects - whole life principles (PAS 2080)

We adopt a holistic and systematic approach to each project to: