

Use of the services offered on (“website”) by Powerlines Group GmbH, Johann-Galler-Straße 39, 2120 Wolkersdorf (“Powerlines Group”) is subject to these terms of use (“Terms”). In the following, the term “Powerlines Group” shall refer to Powerlines Group GmbH and to any enterprise or subsidiary in which Powerlines Group GmbH holds a direct or indirect interest. Should a provision only apply to individual enterprises or subsidiaries, they will be referred to by their company name. By using this website, the user agrees to be bound by these Terms, as amended from time to time. The user of this website shall not: offend common decency as a user of this website; infringe industrial property rights and copyright or other ownership rights; pass on content with computer viruses; enter, save or transmit content without authority, in particular if such content infringes secrecy obligations or is unlawful; distribute advertising or unsolicited e-mails or the like. Powerlines Group reserves the right to suspend operation of the website and its content at any time, permanently or temporarily, completely or partly, without prior notification.

All information on this website is non-binding and is provided to the user for informational purposes only. Its sole purpose being to inform, the website contains no bids or requests to conclude transactions in the sense of the applicable legal regulations, nor is it meant to do so. In particular, the content of the website does not represent a basis for contractual relationships with Powerlines Group regarding the products or services represented. Powerlines Group reserves the right to alter or amend the information provided or these terms and conditions at any time, without prior notification. This website may contain specifications or general descriptions of technical characteristics of products or services which may not be valid in individual cases (e.g. due to product or service change). The desired product or service characteristics must therefore be agreed upon individually, based on Powerlines Group’s general terms and conditions valid at the time. Powerlines Group can accept no liability or give any warranty whatsoever for the currentness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information; unless explicitly stated otherwise in individual cases, this website contains no binding details on product properties or service characteristics.

Powerlines Group makes no assurances nor does it assume any warranty or liability for information made available on this website like for instance for links or other content used directly or indirectly on this website or accessible via this website. Powerlines Group accepts no liability for inaccurate or incomplete information given on this website; any decisions made by the user on the basis of information provided on this website are the user’s sole responsibility. In particular, Powerlines Group is not liable for direct or indirect, concrete or consequential damages or any other kind of damages resulting from the direct or indirect use of information provided on this website, including links. Powerlines Group makes no warranty or guarantee that this website or its content will be available at all times and without interruption, that they are error-free, or that any errors will be remedied; nor does it furnish any guarantee that the website or auxiliary devices and systems (e.g. servers) are free of viruses or other dangerous elements. Where legally permissible, Powerlines Group assumes no liability for any kind of damages whatsoever that result from the use of this website or its auxiliary devices or systems.

As an extra service for the user, this website contains external links to third-party websites. Such websites are entirely independent and beyond the control of Powerlines Group. Powerlines Group is not liable for the content of third-party websites which users may access via this website, and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the content, data protection provisions or usage of such websites. Nor does Powerlines Group appropriate third-party content. Such links are embedded only for the users’ convenience, their use being at the risk of the user.

This website may contain information about Powerlines Group’s products and services that may not be available in the user’s own country. The mere existence of such information on this website does not indicate that such products and services are available throughout the world. It is for the user to determine the availability of such products and services in his or her own country.

Unless otherwise stated, all information provided on this website is copyright by Powerlines Group. The user is granted no license or any other right (such as intellectual or industrial property rights, copyright etc.) with respect to such information. Any reproduction of the information provided is permitted only for your personal, informational use; any other use and reproduction is explicitly prohibited. Any unauthorized use of trademarks (brand names, labels, logos, etc.) is explicitly prohibited, regardless of whether or not they are marked by the symbols ® or ™. Any information, brand and company names or other content of this website must not be altered, copied, reproduced, sold, rented, amended or used in any other way without prior written consent of Powerlines Group. If the user posts any ideas or suggestions on Powerlines Group websites, Powerlines Group shall be entitled to use them free of charge for development, improvement and distribution of its product and service portfolio. Where third-party content is made accessible via links, the user is obliged to observe the rights and regulations of the third party.

Any legal disputes arising in connection with the use of this website shall be subject exclusively to Austrian law, excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) as well as the regulations of the International Private Law Act (IPRG). All disputes arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website, including questions regarding the applicability of these conditions, shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the court having local and subject-matter jurisdiction for Vienna.

All designation on this website which are used exclusively in the masculine form shall apply also in the female form.

Copyright  Powerlines Group GmbH. All rights reserved.